Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Just Hangin Out
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
More Smores
The 3rd-He is so excited to eat it!
At Last
Friday, October 17, 2008
What I should be doing
What I should be doing: making 8 piecrusts for Wakita's Turkey Dinner on the 2nd of November, taking CM inventory, bringing my CM quickbooks up to date. Doing bank paperwork, cleaning the house, folding clothes, picking up toys.
BUt instead I am taking a moment to blog. I had one picture that I was waiting to post when I just had a minute so here it is. I got this necklace a couple months ago from a company called Birth Designs. I have created a name for Jeremy and the kids: janze. Went all out with tshirts, license plates and now jewelry. janze stands for: Jeremey Abbey Natalie Zachery Emalie. I just think that is so clever!!
Okay, now I have to go fold laundry. Have a great weekend!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Happy Birthday Julie
Aunt Nae and Natalie at Disney World in 04
Julie and Riley...This is one of my favorite pics!
See Riley...you quack like a duck...just like this!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
These Graves Kids
Mom your accidental tomato plant is HUGE!
Zachery's newest pose if you can call it that is to put his hands on his hips. He does it so often and it is just so cute. He does it when he's upset, or proud of himself...he will do something for Emalie and stand like this in front of me so that I can see what he did. It's so CUTE.
Abbey and Max. We know that Max is Natalie's dog...but Abbey IS our animal lover!
Recent pictures
Jeremey started planting wheat on the 1st, but was rained out on the 6th. They got back in the field yesterday and barring any more rain they should be done by the 19th. Our weekends are filling up so quickly as the holidays approach. We are even starting to make Christmas plans!
Zachery diggin inside the house outside. We have had this pop up house since Abbey was little and they all love it. Even Max!
Emalie has just BARELY enough hair for a pot knot on the top of her head. It didn't stay in very long. She worked on it until she pulled it out. And she is a full time walker now.
Here I come mom!
October is Fire Safety month. The fire dept. came to preschool yesterday to talk to the kids. Any questions about fire, just ask Natalie she will tell you. She even has book to show you what she knows! The kids get asked questions at preshcool and this week they asked what to do in a fire. Our Natalie said, "stop, drop and roll and then call Farmer's Oil" I guess she wants to make sure Daddy knows too! Zachery, Natalie and I rode the fire trucks around town too.
Emalie was not afraid of the firemen. She was more afraid of the preschoolers trying to mother her. I guess she thought the firemen would give her some space!