Friday, May 16, 2008

Picnic at the Lake

Two weeks ago, (where exactly does the time go?) we picniced at the lake. It was a GREAT day and saw some friends from Harper. The kids loved playing in the sand. Jonathon wanted to take Natalie down to the play area, which was the little beach by the edge of the lake. They tiptoed in the lake, I told Natalie don't get to wet. Well she "fell" and that was the end of it. Off came the clothes, Zachery saw and off came his too. They had such a fun time, and can't wait to go back!!! But Natalie the wise ole owl that she is suggested next time we wear our swimsuits!!! Zachery testing out the water.
Natalie and Jonathon splashing, before the big "fall"
And Miss Emalie just taking it all in! What a happy girl!

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