Thursday, July 31, 2008

5K(ick) my Ass Project

So I stumbled across this blog and she has inspired me to start to get exercise again. She is much braver than I am and is posting picts of her rear on blog. If I was really brave I would put how much I weigh...but that would just be stupid and not brave. I will just post my shoes! The first morning I walked, I got rained on! And yet I continured.
This morning it was foggy and muggy. And yet I continued.
Is mother nature telling me to just stay home? We will see. I will let you know that I was inspired to run by my Shadow. I figure that if she can run 2.5 miles pregnant I could run about 8 blocks. Baby steps remember!

1 comment:

This Aldridge Family said...

Way to go, Jess!! Keep up the'll be a breeze before you know it!